Wednesday, March 11, 2009

NCPT: Before & After

Back in the day, when I first started the NCPT, I had no trouble finding hosts for our tournaments. We generally have between 15-30 players per tournament, more often than not averaging between 16 and 20. So 2-3 tables.

But lately, there seems to be a shortage of willing hosts. This season, in 9 tourneys, we've played out of 4 locations. Three times at Campbell's, three times at Keleher's, twice at Glenn's and once at the Party Room at John K's apartment.

Used to be, back in the day, that I, as tournament organizer, would host over half the tourneys, be it in my apartment in 2003-2004, the party room at my apartment, or in my basement, circa 2005-2006. But, those days are gone. It's amazing what a difference a tiny little baby can make:




  1. I like the elliptical machine. Does it get as much use in your basement as it does in mine (as in none)?

  2. Yes, Laura has been known to use the treadmill from time to time.

    I really should get back on it. Have had a few sucking-wind moments during hockey games I'd rather have liked to avoid. And once at dodgeball. All alone vs 3 people and I eventually got them all, but almost died on my way back to the bench, haha.

    I'm kinda winded typing all this....
